Friday, February 2, 2018

Total Knee Replacement-11 days Post Op

Good morning! 

I have had a bit harder of a week.  I feel the nerves waking up in my knee, and the muscles that support it, and they are pissed.  I was numb in many areas (and still am), but I feel it all beginning to wake up.  It feels weird, little sharp shooting pains, some acheyness that I was not aware of before.  The good news is that I am healing.  Bad news, pain is no fun, but ice, essential oils and of course REST are helping so much.

I had my stitches taken out this week.  Next week they will take out the staples.  The wound is still covered all the time, which is good, because it is hideous to look at. (its literally like 27 stitches, from my thigh to my shin)  I have a great bloody picture of before I left the hospital.  I wont post it, because it makes me queasy, but if you like that stuff, let me know, I don't mind sharing it if that kind of stuff fascinates you.

As for the new knee.  She is a really feisty. Like a toddler, in a room full of old people.  She is ready to party, and try all the things, she keeps running off without her cane, and thinks she is so independent.  My Quads are the old men who scream at running children, "whippersnapper! You will get us all killed!".  She doesn't care.  Maybe I will end up totally robotic, or have all "replicant" joints. :D  I do feel my new knee needs a name, she is young, and ready to party, and God bless her, she is living with a bunch of boring grown ups. 

I am doing Physical therapy in my home 3 days a week.  I like my therapist, she is down to earth, and has a great personality.  She has also been able to answer so many of my questions, which help me not to worry during this healing process.  My Boston friends will appreciate this, she is a Patriots fan, from RI, and showed up with her patriot colors on her nails this morning.  I am doing better than expected, getting around with a cane when outside, (dr.appts etc), and  I am up and down stairs without a problem, just slow. :)

One thing I wanted to mention is how emotional I have felt through this process, especially this week.  I have alot of feelings, and for some reason, it feels like I am 13 with PMS again!  Why does healing or pain make me so emotional?  I am not saying I cried or anything, but I definitely had a few moments this week that I wanted to. 

I think I am still on track to begin working from home beginning 2/13.  Then the following week, I will probably try and go in like normal.  The main thing, is going to be how tired I get.  Healing takes so much work, and effort on our bodies part, and sometimes we don't even realize how much rest it needs.  So I am resting.

I am so thankful for family and friends who have made this journey so much less bumpy.  Bringing food, sending pretty flowers and plants, giving me rides, praying for me and asking about me.  I cherish you all so much.


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